Saturday, June 1, 2013

My "Why"

As promised, I am going to share my story with all of you..We all come from somewhere, we all have a motivator in our lives which pushes us to want to better ourselves, for me it was the broken family from which I have come...

I grew up in a small town in CT with my mother,father, and 3 beautiful sisters. As some of you know I used to figure skate competitively, it was my passion and it was my one escape from the chaos that surrounded my home, and when I stopped skating at 17, I really had no escape from what I had to deal with every day of my life. When I was 13 I found out that my father was a drug addict, the emotional and verbal abuse that was endured in my home...if you could even call it home..was more than I could handle and at 17 I had decided that I had had enough and moved away from home and ventured to RI to find myself and go to college.

Nobody in my family had completed a college education, so the odds were already against me..But i continued, through the financial struggles and the stress of home that I couldn't seem to escape, no matter how many miles were between myself and my family, I pushed through and will be graduating next year with a double major.
9 months ago I decided to break my silence, that I no longer wanted to keep this secret, the secret of my fathers addiction to myself any longer. I spoke out, which as im sure you can imagine was one of the most difficult, terrifying things I had ever done...My whole world fell apart, I felt as though my walls were falling down around me and things were never going to get better... Until a few months ago!

I made a decision to get healthy, to make myself happy, and to make myself into the person that I want my future children to have as a role model...I finished a round of combat and lost some of the physical weight and emotional weight that I had been carrying around for years. My confidence and my charisma has begun to come back, and the passion for life that I had lost, I am beginning to regain. Beachbody has truly changed my life and I am so blessed and thankful for all that I have learned. My "Why" is to not become a percentage, to break the cycle, and to help others who have lost their passion for life regain it and live fulfilled!!

Thanks everyone for reading! 

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