Sunday, August 4, 2013

Be Realistic

So lately I've found myself being brought down by the negative thoughts and opinions of others.  Unfortunately, I am human, just like all of you. As much as I'd like to ignore all negativity and not let others thoughts and opinions affect me, I'm not always so great at doing so..

So during my daily Pinterest therapy session I came across this quote and it made me think.  If I continue to listen to the negative opinions of others, it will not do anything but bring me down and make me doubt my decisions.  On a daily basis I hear "Be Realistic" or "Slow Down" but I am a dreamer and I would rather Dream Big and Succeed than, "Slow Down" and stay in one place.  
What is a "realistic" thought anyways, aren't all dreams realistic to any person if they are willing to put in the hard work and dedication?  I know first hand that ANYTHING is possible if you put your mind to it.  I have seen people come from the lowest of points in their lives and succeed in their "unrealistic" goals and ambitions.

Lindsay Matway taught me that no dream is too big and I CAN DO IT, no matter where I come from!  She taught me that I can have an addict parent, that I can break the cycle, and that I can put my future in the hands of god and have faith that all of this hard work that I am putting in will pay off.  What bothers me the most is that those telling me that I should "slow down" on my goals are those who are trying to reach some large goals themselves.  They however, are afraid, afraid of failure, afraid of whatever it is holding them back, and this is what I have realized.  They tell me to "be realistic" because they doubt themselves, it has nothing to do with my ambitions, it is simply their insecurities coming out towards me because they can not face their inner fears.

So here is my hope...

My hope is that those telling me to "be realistic" will learn to dream big, that they will learn to face their own personal fears and succeed; because this is exactly what I plan to do whether it is "realistic" or not.

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