Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Distilled Water & Why My Tastebuds Want To Cry..

Today marks Day 1 of my ultimate reset journey..I woke up, feeling exhausted from lack of sleep last night, but packed away my meals for the day all perfectly portioned out into containers, packed my Oxygenize, Alkalinize, & Soothe, grabbed my GALLON of water..and out the door I went!  

As I poured my first glass of distilled water, I was excited to try this amazing and pure water that I had heard about and before I knew it, i took a sip and cringed..how could water taste this awful?

So I did some research online to see if I was just abnormal or if this water truly did not taste right and I found this...

Myth: Distilled water taste "funny" or "flat taste"

"There are many reasons why people think that distilled water tastes "funny" or "flat". The main reason is that distilled water is very different than what they have been used to drinking. When people are used to drinking water with fluoride, chlorine, or iron, their sense of taste gets used to this type of water. When drinking distilled water for this first time, with nothing in the water to masked the true taste, it takes the taste buds time to get used to the new clean taste.

Another reason for the "funny" taste is from store bought water in plastic bottles. In order to keep costs down, bottled water suppliers use cheap plastic materials to store the water. It has been found that some of these plastics have been known to leach methyl chloride into the water which gives off a "plastic" taste.

Also a possible factor is the distillation process itself. In simple distillation, volatile organic compounds and some gases may be carried over into the distilled water which causes a "funny" taste. These distillation systems use carbon filters or other processes to reduce VOCs and gases, but such elimination is seldom complete (see next myth). 

Once used in cooking and drinking water, most people find distilled water tastes delicious and improves the taste of food."

So I guess it is just me..haha I decided to drink it with tea and add a little lemon and that helped!  I am thinking that over the next week my tastebuds should stop crying and start adapting to what water should really taste like.

Have a fabulous Tuesday!


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