Thursday, October 24, 2013

Needles, Bruises, and Giant Ovaries...OH MY!

So I have been logged out of social media and "work" for about a week now and I feel awful!!
Here is a quick update on what's going on in my life..

I am on day 7 of my egg donation cycle, and have my second cycle appointment tomorrow to check on how my cute little eggies are developing..

So i had my first appointment following the start of my medications(10/18) on Tuesday (10/22) where I had an ultrasound and some blood work.  My estrogen levels were at 144 which is exactly what they wanted.  They told me that I had alot of follicles on both my right and left ovaries with one measurable follicle at 9.4 in my left ovary.  They increased my Menopur injections to 150 units(previously 75 units) and have me continuing my Gonal F injections as 150 units.

My belly is a bit sore from all of the needles..and I have started to bleed a little bit after the Menopur injections, and bruise a little bit, as well.

Tomorrow I have an appointment for another ultrasound and bloodwork to see how my eggs are developing and im hoping for a retrieval date of Tuesday or Wednesday of next week.. YAY! 

My biggest concern is not being sedated enough and feeling the procedure.  Every step in this process I have psyched myself up for and made myself think that it was going to be much worse than it actually was, so hopefully my procedure will be the same thing.  So far everything has gone pretty smooth, up until now I have hardly any ovarian pain, and today it is much worse..think severe period cramps, but a little different.

I am still so excited and blessed to be able to give this gift to someone and through the needles and bruises and soreness..I just keep thinking about what an amazing gift I am giving.  I am so pleased with this process so far that I am already working with an agency for my future donations..They emailed me today to ask me when my retrieval is so that they can get started on adding me to the system.

I am planning on doing an open donation next time, to give it a more personal feeling.  I am super grateful and lucky to have such a supportive group, WAED, during this cycle as well as an amazing partner to help me when im feeling awful.  He has been bringing surprises home to me every few days to brighten my mood.

Please consider your support system if you are ever considering donating..In my opinion it is one of the most important things.  I could not do what I have done with this man right here!!!  

Thanks for reading, loves. Don't forget to follow me on: FACEBOOK!


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