Thursday, October 31, 2013

Retrieval Day Review :)

It is about 5:00 pm on Thursday, October 31st, Halloween!!

I am just about waking up from the in and out partial nap I took after  I got home from my egg retrieval this morning.  I'd like to give you all a breakdown of what my day looked like today, for anyone curious about the day of procedures...

First a quick recap of what the past month or so looked like for me: 3 weeks of BC pills(bled everyday) then 2 weeks of injections(2x/day) & then a trigger shot Tuesday night, Oh, and a car accident last night to top it all off. :)

So this morning...

5:00am: woke up from the most excruciating pain in my ovaries-think severe period cramps x100.  I was in tears and could barely walk the pain was so unbearable.  I took a shower & tried to relax, A nice cup of tea might have helped, but no liquid/food was allowed in my system after midnight last night.

6:30am:  6:30 seemed to take forever to come, as I sat in the living room, trying to get comfortable, and filling with anxiety, I finally heard my boyfriends alarm clock go off.  He was awake, half groggy and getting ready to hit the road for our 2 hour drive to the clinic, just outside of Boston.  As we got on the road the pain seemed to get worse and worse, every dip in the road, every bump caused shooting pain through my lower abdomen.  The 2 hour car ride, seemed to take forever and all I wanted to do was get out of the car and get some pain medications in my system.

8:30am: Finally, we were there, I started shaking from nerves as we walked into the clinic and were greeted by the receptionist..Upstairs we went to where they perform the egg retrievals.  I was feeling brave so I told Jamie, that he could sit in the waiting room, as I went in.  But when I walked in it hit me like a wall of bricks and the tears started flowing, so as quickly as I entered, I turned around and walked right out to get Jamie & bring him in with me.  Luckily, every other woman in there was joined by their significant other so i didn't feel so awkward, and we were not all fact, I'm pretty sure I was the only donor in the room since, the walls were just curtains I could hear all of the other couples speaking to each other about their dreams of babies, and it made me feel really great about what I was doing.  The nurse came in, introduced herself, put my IV in(I was already dehydrated & had a low grade fever).  I then met briefly with my anesthesiologist & doctor.

9:30am: 9:30 rolled around and it was time to head into the room where my retrieval would be done.  I walked into a room straight out of a movie, bright light shining right into where the doctor would be working & a mixture of nurses and doctors filled the room(about 4).  They helped me get situated on the table and the last thing I remember was my anesthesiologist telling me that he gave me some relaxation medications, my face felt tingly, so I asked if that was normal and then I was out.  I did not feel a thing during the retrieval.

10:00am:  I woke up in my recovery room in excruciating pain, crying a lot.  The pain was indescribable!!  I was told by the nurses that they were going to get Jamie and that I was crying and asking for my dog (mazy) I don't know why I was calling for Mazy, maybe because she is who I go to for comfort normally.  They gave me some pain medications through my IV and i instantly felt better.  It took me about 15-20 minutes to fully wake up and they told me that they retrieved 31 eggs! WOW!! They said that was a lot, and they were thrilled.  I was excited too, 31 eggs means that 4-5 families will get them, and hopefully all will conceive.  I donated to a frozen egg bank this time so I will not know who gets them or if they are successful, but I hope they are successful and I hope these families are grateful, although I'm sure they will be...

It is about 5:00pm and I am home now with some egg donation day gifts from my amazing boyfriend and his love and support by my side.  I have no regrets so far about this donation, although I am still in pain, so we will see how I recover over the next few days!

Thank you for reading about my day & learning about my egg donation!  Please, remember, if you have any questions please comment below or feel free to add me on Facebook.  As of today, I plan on donating again, so we will see where my life goes...I am definitely planning on taking a few months off though.  This experience has been truly rewarding, but also mentally, physically, and emotionally draining as well.


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