Saturday, November 2, 2013

A Post Retrieval Post..

On thursday I had my retrieval..and yesterday when I woke up my abdomen was extremely distended and hurt..ALOT!  I looked..and still look...about 5 months pregnant..

I tried to rest a lot yesterday, since my doctor told me when she called, that feeling bloated and sore is completely normal with the amount of eggs that were retrieved (31).  I have been drinking Gatorade and resting for over 48 hours now and am still in pain.  My stomach still looks like this and I can not get comfortable..sitting, laying,standing...nothing feels good!  I am having a hard time walking upright, since the pressure in my abdomen is so strong.

My weight is still high(8 pounds more than it was the day before my retrieval).  I also have started feeling feverish and achey so I took my temperature, and have a fever of 99.8, I know it's not too high, but it has me slightly concerned.  I was going to call my doctor to see if this is normal but they are closed for the day, I could call the on call MD but I have decided to wait a bit longer and see how I feel.  I am going to take more Tylenol, even though it is not helping with the pain, it might help with the fever..although I'm not sure if I should take the Tylenol or monitor the fever without it..

Up until this point my experience had been pretty positive, and now I am second guessing my choice to donate again..I am still in a lot of pain and the pressure in my abdomen seems to have no relief.


I hope I find some relief soon..

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