Monday, November 25, 2013

Step outside of your comfort zone, the magic happens there!

Good Morning Lovely Readers...if you even exist..

I have been doing a lot of thinking lately about how small my world really is.  Now, before you tell me how large the world truly is, lets chat for a minute about MY world.  My world is small because I have not allowed it to expand itself into other places outside of my comfort zone.

What is my comfort zone you ask, my comfort zone is that small little hole in the world where ordinary happens and i eat the same food, listen to the same music, talk to the same people, and do the same after day!  But that is all about to change!  I have made a decision, in my head, as i often do without putting it down on paper to hold myself accountable. I made the decision to expand my horizons and start experiencing everything possible.  I only get to live 1 time, and far too often I see lives get cut way too short, and people never truly get to live.

My favorite quote is from Oscar Wilde, "To live is the rarest thing in the world.  Most people just exist, that is all."  This quote has come into my life when its been needed the most and I want to start practicing this idea that I say all of the time.  I want to start LIVING!

Here is my vow:  I, Chelsey Kimmel, vow to LIVE freely, happily, and to my highest expectation.  I vow to take every experience that is given to me, as a gift!  Whether it be something I have always wanted to experience, or maybe have not ever!  I vow to travel and immerse myself into other cultures and learn about how other people live.  I vow to blog about all of my new experiences...because my life starts NOW!

I hope you all will join me on this journey outside of the borders of my comfort zone and I hope you all will do something outside of yours!  I would love to hear about all of your adventures!


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