Saturday, August 17, 2013

Finding My Faith..

For some reason I always feel like I am doing something foreign when it comes to talking about religion & faith..maybe because I am!

Religion was never apart of my life growing up, I remember going to church when I was young with my aunt, but never really made it a part of my life and never really had faith in much until recently.  Through my journey both mentally & physically these past few months, I have begun to have faith in something.  I have noticed that the more good I do for others, the more good has come my way.  It is certainly no coincidence that good things come to those who do good things to help others...but I have, lately, more than ever been opening myself up to receiving gifts from the universe and have seen more and more things happening in my life.

People have been placed in my life lately, some who I have known for many years and some I have never met.  Every single one of these people has taught me something!!  Some have taught me about conquering my fears, some have shown me how to not make excuses, and some have taught me about faith.  They have not intentionally taught me anything, but they have.  I have met some amazing and inspirational people these past few months and I am learning more and more about myself every day.  

I feel as though the universe, or god, or something out there is placing these people in my life..for a reason!  I am struggling to find my faith, but I am still searching.  When it feels right, I will know its where I belong.  Every day on this journey, I learn something new about myself.  I am learning about where my faith lies and what I believe in.  Although, faith is a foreign feeling to me, I am beginning to be more comfortable with it.

I have also learned that anything is possible.  If you have faith and believe that you can do something, and you work hard, you CAN do it!  Trust me, I am.

OK, so this post was kind of all over the place..and did not really make any point, but I feel alot better after posting this.


Tuesday, August 13, 2013

A Pyramid Scheme...

"Sounds like a pyramid scheme.."

"Is this one of those pyramid things?"

"I still think its one of those pyramid things.."

We have all heard this more than once in speaking with prospective coaches. So we always ask them,

"Why do you think its a pyramid scheme"

And the responses..

"I don't know" 
"Its shaped like a pyramid"
 "Well I don't really know what a pyramid scheme is, but that is one"

And then I tell them this, "Well, I think the company you work for currently is a pyramid scheme."

Now, I am not bashing corporate america, I know some people who love working at their corporate jobs, I however, am NOT one of those people.  I have been working in the corporate world since I was 18 years old, and at 21 I decided that I had enough and no longer wanted to make minimal pay to make someone else's dream come true.  I could "work my way up the ladder" kissing every ass possible on the way up, but that was not me.  Ever since I was a kid, I dreamed of owning my own business whether it be a pub, or a bakery, or a wedding planning business.  And this year I found Beachbody, and realized that I could do some good in the world and help others while owning my own business.  

I learned that I did not need some massive savings for start up costs and I did not need bank loans or leases.  I could work out of my home and improve my health and become financially free, by helping others do the same.  My inner philanthropist loved this idea and off I went to change the world..

Are you one of those people who is crazy enough to change the world??

Follow me on facebook to see my journey.
Follow me on instagram.

Want to work with me to reach your health, fitness, & financial goals?

Dream Big & Change The World!

Monday, August 12, 2013

And my thyroid had some other plans for me...

Happy Sunday Everybody!!

So as you all know I was up in Boston for more testing last week, and came home with a large weight off my shoulders, when the doctor said my thyroid tests looked okay and I was good to go...

The next day I received a phone call from my doctor, saying that my tests came back the opposite of what she told me and that I went from having hyperthyroid levels to really high hypothyroid levels in a 3 week span of time.  I do have thyroid disease, which can be managed with synthetic hormone treatment.  She also mentioned that I will probably have trouble conceiving and when I begin trying to conceive, I will need some additional hormones, most likely to help my body make a baby.

As some or all of you know I have always wanted to be a mom, more than almost anything. The thought that I may not be able to conceive was pretty upsetting, but I know I will overcome this, like the many other things I have overcome in my life.

This has not changed my thoughts on donating my eggs, if anything, it makes me want to help a couple even more, knowing that someday I may need someone to do the same selfless act for myself.

A year ago, I would have broke down with hearing the news and just given up, but today I am stronger!  I have faith that god will make what is meant to be, happen in my life.  I have faith that the more good I do for others, the more good will keep coming back at me, like it has so far.  
Dream Big & Have Faith!

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Needles, Needles, & More Needles..

Today Jamie & I made the long drive up to Boston, well it was a long drive to us Rhode Islanders where everything in the state is no more than 30 minutes away..

I met with an endocrinologist there to discuss the abnormal blood work that was found by the doctor handling my egg donation.  She had good news, and a little bad news.  The good news is that I DO NOT have thyroid disease and I am pretty healthy, which was nice to hear after all of the work I have been putting in to improve my health. 

The bad news was what really got me thinking..

She said that I am at high risk for developing an endocrine/thyroid disorder in the future and that more likely than not I will get it.  She said that I should watch out for the warning signs and that it may cause difficulty conceiving when I decide to try and get pregnant.  She said the older I get, the harder it will be.  She did say that there are hormones that will help if I need them, but hopefully I wont.

This really got me thinking that I need to get moving on my business and getting my life to where I want it to be..and fast!  I want kids, I have always wanted to be a mom and I am determined to make that happen before it becomes too difficult.

So here is the plan..

As you all know I had a goal to be able to quit my corporate job by June of 2014 and this is still the case.  I also plan to purchase a home this year with my partner in crime and the love of my life, Jamie.  Instead of getting stressed about this, I am going to use it to motivate me, to push me.  The harder I work, the faster I will see results, and the sooner I can start building my family.

The good news is that I was cleared to go forward with my egg donation cycle which will be starting in like 5 DAYS!!!

So excited & nervous & feeling blessed.

Sunday, August 4, 2013

Be Realistic

So lately I've found myself being brought down by the negative thoughts and opinions of others.  Unfortunately, I am human, just like all of you. As much as I'd like to ignore all negativity and not let others thoughts and opinions affect me, I'm not always so great at doing so..

So during my daily Pinterest therapy session I came across this quote and it made me think.  If I continue to listen to the negative opinions of others, it will not do anything but bring me down and make me doubt my decisions.  On a daily basis I hear "Be Realistic" or "Slow Down" but I am a dreamer and I would rather Dream Big and Succeed than, "Slow Down" and stay in one place.  
What is a "realistic" thought anyways, aren't all dreams realistic to any person if they are willing to put in the hard work and dedication?  I know first hand that ANYTHING is possible if you put your mind to it.  I have seen people come from the lowest of points in their lives and succeed in their "unrealistic" goals and ambitions.

Lindsay Matway taught me that no dream is too big and I CAN DO IT, no matter where I come from!  She taught me that I can have an addict parent, that I can break the cycle, and that I can put my future in the hands of god and have faith that all of this hard work that I am putting in will pay off.  What bothers me the most is that those telling me that I should "slow down" on my goals are those who are trying to reach some large goals themselves.  They however, are afraid, afraid of failure, afraid of whatever it is holding them back, and this is what I have realized.  They tell me to "be realistic" because they doubt themselves, it has nothing to do with my ambitions, it is simply their insecurities coming out towards me because they can not face their inner fears.

So here is my hope...

My hope is that those telling me to "be realistic" will learn to dream big, that they will learn to face their own personal fears and succeed; because this is exactly what I plan to do whether it is "realistic" or not.