Saturday, August 17, 2013

Finding My Faith..

For some reason I always feel like I am doing something foreign when it comes to talking about religion & faith..maybe because I am!

Religion was never apart of my life growing up, I remember going to church when I was young with my aunt, but never really made it a part of my life and never really had faith in much until recently.  Through my journey both mentally & physically these past few months, I have begun to have faith in something.  I have noticed that the more good I do for others, the more good has come my way.  It is certainly no coincidence that good things come to those who do good things to help others...but I have, lately, more than ever been opening myself up to receiving gifts from the universe and have seen more and more things happening in my life.

People have been placed in my life lately, some who I have known for many years and some I have never met.  Every single one of these people has taught me something!!  Some have taught me about conquering my fears, some have shown me how to not make excuses, and some have taught me about faith.  They have not intentionally taught me anything, but they have.  I have met some amazing and inspirational people these past few months and I am learning more and more about myself every day.  

I feel as though the universe, or god, or something out there is placing these people in my life..for a reason!  I am struggling to find my faith, but I am still searching.  When it feels right, I will know its where I belong.  Every day on this journey, I learn something new about myself.  I am learning about where my faith lies and what I believe in.  Although, faith is a foreign feeling to me, I am beginning to be more comfortable with it.

I have also learned that anything is possible.  If you have faith and believe that you can do something, and you work hard, you CAN do it!  Trust me, I am.

OK, so this post was kind of all over the place..and did not really make any point, but I feel alot better after posting this.


1 comment:

  1. Hey, girl! I just started to look through your blog... what a great thing you're doing by donating! I'm so proud of you! I've got a fear of needles myself, so what you're doing is really inspiring. I was just reading through your posts and noticed this one... girl, you know I still love you, and when I saw this I thought that I can't read it without recommending that you see some missionaries from the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. Honestly, I know that speaking with them and learning about their message about life will improve yours even further. I think you're absolutely right that people have been placed in your life for a reason... maybe these missionaries could be a few more people who are put there for a reason, too. :) If you're interested, shoot me a message on Facebook! I can set you up! :D <3 you and miss you!

    -Taylor Hanson
