Tuesday, August 13, 2013

A Pyramid Scheme...

"Sounds like a pyramid scheme.."

"Is this one of those pyramid things?"

"I still think its one of those pyramid things.."

We have all heard this more than once in speaking with prospective coaches. So we always ask them,

"Why do you think its a pyramid scheme"

And the responses..

"I don't know" 
"Its shaped like a pyramid"
 "Well I don't really know what a pyramid scheme is, but that is one"

And then I tell them this, "Well, I think the company you work for currently is a pyramid scheme."

Now, I am not bashing corporate america, I know some people who love working at their corporate jobs, I however, am NOT one of those people.  I have been working in the corporate world since I was 18 years old, and at 21 I decided that I had enough and no longer wanted to make minimal pay to make someone else's dream come true.  I could "work my way up the ladder" kissing every ass possible on the way up, but that was not me.  Ever since I was a kid, I dreamed of owning my own business whether it be a pub, or a bakery, or a wedding planning business.  And this year I found Beachbody, and realized that I could do some good in the world and help others while owning my own business.  

I learned that I did not need some massive savings for start up costs and I did not need bank loans or leases.  I could work out of my home and improve my health and become financially free, by helping others do the same.  My inner philanthropist loved this idea and off I went to change the world..

Are you one of those people who is crazy enough to change the world??

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Want to work with me to reach your health, fitness, & financial goals?

Dream Big & Change The World!

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