Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Needles, Needles, & More Needles..

Today Jamie & I made the long drive up to Boston, well it was a long drive to us Rhode Islanders where everything in the state is no more than 30 minutes away..

I met with an endocrinologist there to discuss the abnormal blood work that was found by the doctor handling my egg donation.  She had good news, and a little bad news.  The good news is that I DO NOT have thyroid disease and I am pretty healthy, which was nice to hear after all of the work I have been putting in to improve my health. 

The bad news was what really got me thinking..

She said that I am at high risk for developing an endocrine/thyroid disorder in the future and that more likely than not I will get it.  She said that I should watch out for the warning signs and that it may cause difficulty conceiving when I decide to try and get pregnant.  She said the older I get, the harder it will be.  She did say that there are hormones that will help if I need them, but hopefully I wont.

This really got me thinking that I need to get moving on my business and getting my life to where I want it to be..and fast!  I want kids, I have always wanted to be a mom and I am determined to make that happen before it becomes too difficult.

So here is the plan..

As you all know I had a goal to be able to quit my corporate job by June of 2014 and this is still the case.  I also plan to purchase a home this year with my partner in crime and the love of my life, Jamie.  Instead of getting stressed about this, I am going to use it to motivate me, to push me.  The harder I work, the faster I will see results, and the sooner I can start building my family.

The good news is that I was cleared to go forward with my egg donation cycle which will be starting in like 5 DAYS!!!

So excited & nervous & feeling blessed.

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